Quick Reflection on Good Friday and American Christianity

Apr 07, 2023

As I look around at what is going on in society, I see a lot of fear-mongering. It is coming from several different avenues. Socially - People are being isolated due to some fearing their humanity. Politically – People are being silenced due to fear of loosing control. Economically – People are being excluded due to fear of loss by those who have. Spiritually – People are being oppressed due to fear of not understanding the unknown.  

Stoking the fears of others is an enslaving practice that has been used over the centuries to manipulate, oppress, and gain the control of the minds of groups. As I was thinking about this weekend, Christianity is getting ready for Good Friday and Easter. Many of us will have our “Seven Last Sayings of Jesus” services and our special Sunday gatherings. There is nothing wrong with that. However, I want to think about the events that lead to the empire sponsored crucifixion of Yeshua.  

Last time I recall, the gospels still tell the story of  how the religious leaders of his day stoked the fear of Yeshua leading a movement that would disrupt the empire’s power structure. The message of Yeshua already challenged the power structure of religious leaders. So, they decided to work with the empire to eliminate their “common enemy”. Fear of losing control was used to carry out this action. An innocent man lost his life because his actions and beliefs did not line up with the thoughts of those in power. They killed him because they thought he should “just comply.” 

When I turn on the TV, open social media, read articles, or have conversations, I find a similar thing happening in today’s society and has happened throughout history. Many religious leaders have allowed the influence of the empire to control their ministries. Fear has been one of those components used to control the thinking of masses of people who consider themselves to be “Christians”. This fear has led to many functioning from a reactionary mindset. The spirit of killing the physical bodies, influences, reputations, and enthusiasm of innocent people is still prevalent today. Many on us are no different than those who feared Yeshua’s influence and lied on him just to stay in power. 

When you read the last seven sayings now, read them in light of the message in the words of this post. You may be surprised to find yourself on the wrong side the crucifixion.  

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