A Journey of Gratitude: How Your Encouragement Fuels My Passion

Aug 30, 2024

I have had so many things run through my head of what I would like to write to you about today but I could not settle on one particular subject. I will say this, I am excited that football season is upon us. I got to see some High School Football the other night that was full of big plays. Last night, I watched a little bit of several games. That North Dakota State vs. Colorado game was a nail biter. I was also shocked that Georgia Tech beat Florida State the other day. So, this lets me know that this is going to be good and exciting season of shockers from High School all the way to the NFL.

However, football is not the reason for this blog post. I’m writing this post because I simply want to thank you as the reader. Thank you for taking the time to visit my website daily to see what the Edupreneurial Theologian is sharing. I have been watching the numbers and I’m seeing that my message is getting out to several people (7) days a week. I want to thank you for not only supporting by reading but for sharing my information with others through social media. I’m asking you to continue to help me reach the masses through following me and not only sharing my blog posts but also sharing my podcasts as I continue to create more content for the masses on my website. Social Media has been a good marketing partner to drive traffic to my website. So, this is one of the ways I will continue to share with the world. I created a new web page called Robert’s Recommended Books that I will continue to build with books from my friends who are authors. This will help them to get exposure to my audience and potentially sell them more books. That list will grow to books I believe my readers should add to their libraries. In turn, Amazon will pay me a small fee for introducing you to these resources.

If you would like to support me so that I can produce even more content, please click on the link below.

I am appreciative of all of the support thus far and I can cannot wait to see what this grows into. Just remember that you were here for the ground floor.

““Thank you” is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” ~ Alice Walker

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