Be Mindful of Strangers by Doing Justice

Aug 22, 2024

“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.” ~ Maya Angelou

While I was walking along a sidewalk the other day, an elderly man said, “How are you, young man?” I returned the pleasantries and we struck up a small conversation about the weather. Later that day, I saw the same elderly man. This time, I started the conversation. During this conversation, he shared his joy of still being alive in his 90s. He told me about still being here despite losing many family members and friends. He also wanted me to know the joy he had of being married to his wife for 65yrs.

I didn’t know this gentleman. That day was the first time our paths ever crossed. But we shared just a few moments of joy together. He had someone to talk to and I was given inspiration. It simply started by us recognizing each other’s humanity for just a few moments. Maybe he has heard or read the quote above because he is still breathing in his 90s and sharing his joy with younger generations.

It doesn’t take long to acknowledge the humanity of someone else. Make it a point to speak to people. Show hospitality. We never know. I believe I read somewhere that we need to be mindful how we treat strangers because we could be entertaining angels. This is why it troubles me as to how this nation treats people around the world and how American Christianity endorses this mistreatment in the name of its god. The complete disregard for the humanity of innocent people (especially children) becoming casualties because of our love for misguided theology and our love for power hungry and vindictive leaders is not of the Creator of the Universe. I love humanity too much to just be okay with and not speak out against the genocide of any people. I have heard some people suggest (some call themselves Christian) that others do not deserve the basic respect of humanity because they belong to certain groups, religions, or schools of thought. In these cases, the people expressing these sentiments love the Scriptures that talk about God commanding the destruction of a nation. But these same people overlook the plethora of Scriptures that talk about God requiring us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. These people seem to love destruction but hate justice and mercy.

I submit to you today that we do good every single day that God wakes us up with breath in our lungs. I also encourage us to speak up for the people who are suffering and speak out against those who cause the suffering. Take off your political glasses and get you a pair of common decency lenses.

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