Nature’s Quiet Wisdom: How Nature Teaches Us to Love Ourselves

Sep 09, 2024

Are you okay?

Yes… I am talking to you (reader). Are you okay?

Those that are around me know that, from time to time, I will look them square in their eyes and asked them if they are okay. If they say, “Yes” but their eyes tell a different story, I will ask them, “How is your spirit?” It is then that the person knows that I am actually checking on their wellbeing not looking for a cliche answer.

When was the last time you did a welfare check on a friend or a loved one? When was the last time you had a deep conversation with them about how they are doing? There are some people in our presence every single day that are hurting but no one is checking on them outside of the simple, “How are you doing?” Those of us who call ourselves followers of the Jesus of the Gospels should be mindful that it is our job to “edify” one another. This doesn’t just happen haphazardly. It takes work.

As a matter of fact, when was the last time you did a welfare check on yourself? Sometimes we get so sidetracked with life that we forget to take time for ourselves. Some of us work so much that we stress ourselves out with the cares of organizations that will deplete us of our souls, fill us up with its cares like we are trash bags and then throw us in the dump just to replace us with another liner to repeat the process. Sometimes we are so stressed that we forget the Divine Creator has angels that are still ministering to us.

Take some time, starting today, to recenter yourself with the Most High. Start by exhaling and being intentional about slowing down and getting away from the noise of the day. Watching nature can help. Let’s start being intentional about loving who God made us to be. The animals can teach us about ourselves if we allow them. Remember that the Creator of the Universe breathed life into YOUR lungs.

Learn to be quiet enough to hear the genuine in yourself, so that you can hear it in others.

Marian Wright Edelman

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