Optimism with Awareness: Being Happy and Still Doing Justice

Aug 23, 2024

“Nobody's free until everybody's free.” ~ Fannie Lou Hamer

Sometimes I think we quote things before we think about the meaning behind what was said. If anyone knows anything about the struggles this ancestor (Ms. Hamer) overcame, they could start to understand why she uttered this famous five word phrase.

I cannot fathom what it has been like for some to be able to have the same opportunities that I have had over my lifetime. I do know that I have had my own hurdles that I have had to overcome. However, some of the things that I have had to endure have not been as bad as the things that others have endured because I had the privilege of elders who came before me to pave the way for me. They made sacrifices so that I did not have to experience some of the things they did. Because of their example, it is my turn to pave the path for others.

In my blog post from yesterday, I encouraged the reader to take off their political glasses and just use a pair of common decency glasses when viewing life.


Those who know me know that I have plenty of thoughts about how empires operate. I believe that our system is no different in some aspects because it is two wings of the same bird. However, I understand that we need some type of governance. While I have critiques of both sides of the aisle and I believe they both missed the mark on some of their policies (one side more than the other). I will say that in our current situation, I saw something that has given joy to some Black Women that I have never witnessed in my entire life. I have learned over the years that it is okay for me to have an opinion about things, but I do not always have to express that opinion. While I disagree with some of rhetoric from this week, I will say that their joy I saw from this week was unmatched. So, I celebrate with them. The joy from this week is what Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer, Ms. Shirley Chisholm, and many other ancestors paved the way for during their lifetimes.

Humanity is complex and there is not always a black and white solution to all of our problems. In the process of making sure everyone is free, we cannot be afraid to call some things out. We have to stand up for people that others believe are enemies. We have to fight for all of humanity to have the necessities of what the Creator intended in the Book of Genesis during the Creation Story. We have to be intentional. In our intentionality, we have to hold space for those who have been oppressed to be able to celebrate. I struggle with some aspects of the policy that was discussed (the system’s perspective) but the imagery is EXACTLY what we teach our two daughters. We tell them they can be anything in life. Last night, they got to see something happen that their great grandmothers and those before never experienced. These women paved the way for them to be able to experience what they saw last night. My wife got to see what her grandmother marched for back during the 1960’s. My mother and mother-in-law got to see the possibilities of what their granddaughters, (Kid President (our eldest daughter) and Kid Vice President (our youngest)) can be in this country if we continue to pave the way for them.

This blog post may not be as popular as some of the others and that is perfectly fine. However, I need this documented for my daughters and wife so they will know that their father and husband was proud to share a night in history with them to celebrate who they can become because the work of their ancestors and elders have done over the years. KVP was ready to go to bed but she shared a brief moment with her mom that I was able to capture.

KP told me, “I feel like I will meet her one day.” The inspiration I saw in my own house is something I cannot express in words. This moment is for them. This moment is for young girls and women who look like them. This moment is for the rest of us, too. As my childhood preacher used to say, it would “behoove” us to do the work to make sure anything is possible for anyone who comes behind us. We got to see the joy of years and years of work. I have also experienced what it is like to pave the way and fight for women to have the same opportunities that men have. It brings me joy to see them flourish and change the status quo of the good ole boys club. Madame VP will definitely give us something we have never experienced. Maybe that is what the powers that be fear. I know I have seen this at a smaller scale. So, open doors, kick down walls, pave paths, and build bridges. Make sure you do justice.

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