The Cross: How a Missing Woman Brought a Community Together

Aug 19, 2024

Image Credit/Source by Danica Sauter: 

WSMV - Nashville

For weeks, I have opened my Facebook feed just to see the normal political rhetoric from some I have gone to school and church with over the years. I’m not going to lie, it gets monotonous to see and read the same thing day in and day out. It is almost like there is no joy exuding from their posts. If social media is a glimpse into our inner thoughts, it seems to be nothing but division from people who live in the same community.  

On Tuesday of last week, I saw a difference in what was showing up in my timeline. It was flooded with posts to report the disappearance of Mrs. Caulyne Cross who went missing not too far from her home in Giles County, Tn. As the days went on, I saw a community come together with nothing but concerns, prayer, volunteer searchers, and fundraising. I saw family, friends, clergy, law enforcement, business owners, and politicians come together for a common purpose to make sure they did everything in their power to bring Mrs. Cross home safely. Acres and over 500 miles were covered over a period of a (5) days. Searchers dealt with the elements of nature together. They dealt with the heat and the rain because they were determined to find our elder and bring her home safely. On this past Saturday through the guidance of the Spirit of God, those prayers were answered. My Facebook timeline was flooded with messages of praise and jubilation for Ms. Cross’ save return to her family. A community shared hugs, tears of joy, and dare I say a time of worship because of the power of what God did despite the odds that were stacked against her.

As a son of Giles County, I hope this past week was a wake up call to all Giles Countians and everyone else who is privy to this story about how the Spirit of God will have people put their differences aside and how it will bring people together for a common cause. This is the power of the cross. This was the power of the love for Mrs. Cross. If I can use my sanctified imagination for a moment, I think that it is only fitting that the subject of this triumphant story bears the last name of Cross. Searchers were focused on Spiritual Cross through prayer so they could find the human Cross.

May this story of the past week and weekend be a beacon of light for the community of Giles and everyone who is reading this blog post. May it encourage us to remember that when we are intentional about doing Kingdom work, the Spirit of God will bring us together despite our differences. I leave you with the encouragement of this quote:  

“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” ~ Zora Neale Hurston

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