The Eternal Connection: How Ancestors Continue to Walk With Us

Sep 13, 2024

Let me ask you a question. The Text talks about the “Great Cloud of Witnesses” in the book of Hebrews. However, we don’t always hear teachings about these witnesses. When we do, some say this statement about witnesses are a figure of speech while others believe it is really a cloud of witnesses that are cheering us on.

At one time, I thought the cloud of witnesses meant only those who were mentioned in Hebrews 11. For years, I was not thoroughly immersed in trying to understand the spiritual realm. I believe those who have transitioned over to the Land of the Ancestors still encourage us to continue to live by faith even though they are not physically with us.

Feel free to disagree. However, I do not believe in coincidences. The Spirit of God has shown me that it is possible for them to encourage us (whether or not you believe they understand) even after they leave this physical realm. Let me give you some examples. On multiple occasions, there have been situations where I have heard songs that I have shared with loved ones that will cause me to remember them. That memory will help me to remember their spirit they shared with me when they were alive. If you have been reading my previous writings, you will understand I believe that “creating memories” are intentional ways for us to imprint a portion of our spirit into the lives of others so that we can impact them well after we are gone. Last night I was reminded of this because at 7:00pm I posted my blog post for the day. I had a cousin call me at 7:02pm. In our conversation, she told me a story about what a loved one told her before he passed away. Was it coincidence that he told her the same thing in 2005 that I had written in my blog post before we even talked? I think not. For a brief moment, we shared time with the ancestor and we were encouraged by him. Learning more about the history of our culture and how the Text is full of spirituality has helped me to enjoy and appreciate these moments.

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
Marcus Garvey

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